faithwalk church

Applied faith principles taught in God's word builds strong families and individuals.

FaithWalk Church is a bible-based ministry located on Houston’s northeast side, built on the foundation and principles of Jesus Christ. We focus on equipping people to succeed spiritually, personally, physically, and economically as we work to bring the whole person to prosperity. Our ministry's primary purpose remains steadfast— share the gospel with others so that they may come to know Jesus Christ and trust Him for salvation.

Pastor Chris & Aleshia Jackson

Total Ministry

Pastor Chris and Aleshia Jackson are passionate about ministering the vision God has given them.

Pastor Jackson’s mission in preaching, teaching and leading is to help empower people to grow in their walk with God. He strives to build up a person spiritually, mentally, and economically. Pastor Jackson desires to see the lost saved and Christians live a real life of faith that reflects a life well lived. He has served in ministry for more than 40 years and has pastored FaithWalk Church for over 20 years. Pastor Jackson attended College of Biblical Studies, holds an Associate Degree in Communication from Lone Star College, and graduated Magna Cum Laude from the University of Houston - Downtown with a Bachelor’s Degree in Communication and a minor in Biblical Studies and Philosophy. Additionally, he is an educator and serves as a High School English Teacher for Sheldon Independent School District. Pastor Chris and Aleshia Jackson share a beautiful life together and have a sincere heart for the people of God.